Review: Zombie Land Saga Revenge – Season 2 (Blu-Ray)

Hey there! So, I heard about this amazing zombie idol group called Franchouchou who are based in Japan's Saga prefecture. They recently got a shot at performing at a major concert venue and were so excited for it. However, things didn't go as planned and they only managed to sell one per cent of their tickets. This left them with a huge debt to the venue and they had to resort to taking on part-time jobs to make the repayments. But wait, it gets worse. Their manager has left the group to fend for themselves and spends his days getting drunk and feeling sorry for them. Poor things!

But you know what? These girls are fighters and they decided to not give up. They went back to the venue where they first performed together and decided to reignite their passion. After all, they have already risen from the dead once - so why can't they resurrect their idol careers? I have a feeling that they will come out stronger and better than ever before. Let's show them some love and support!

Hey there! Have you heard of Zombie Land Saga Revenge? It's the sequel to the original series and follows the adventures of a group of girls who have been brought back to life by their manager to form an idol group and revitalize Saga, the Japanese prefecture where they live. This group is made up of girls from different backgrounds and time periods, including a courtesan from the 19th century and a high schooler who recently passed away.

Just like the original series, Zombie Land Saga Revenge is full of charm and energy. The fact that the girls are zombies trying to make it as idols adds a level of heightened reality that makes it all the more fun to watch. The group is full of larger than life characters, from a child star to a former biker, and their manager Kotaro Tatsumi is absolutely unhinged - it's impossible for there to be a dull moment with these guys around!

As a sequel, Zombie Land Saga Revenge manages to hit all the right notes. It shows just how far the Franchouchou girls have come as a team, with their performances improving all the time. It also offers new insights into the characters and new obstacles for them to overcome. The group has to deal with a rival band trying to poach one of their members, participate in a talent show, and even battle to save Saga itself - all while keeping their zombie status a secret.

Overall, Zombie Land Saga Revenge is just as entertaining and mesmerizing as the original series. It approaches its obstacles with a perfect mix of ridiculousness and sincerity that makes it impossible not to fall in love with these girls and their manager. So if you're looking for a fun and quirky series to watch, definitely give this one a try!

Hey there! So, have you heard about the second season of Zombie Land Saga? It's called Zombie Land Saga Revenge, and it's amazing! One of the things that I love about it is how the characters who didn't get as much attention in the first season are really given a chance to shine in this one. For example, Tae Yamada, who's the most zombie-like of the group, gets an entire episode dedicated to her. It's so cool to see how much of a following she's gained for being the oddball of Franchouchou. And Yugiri, who left her role as a courtesan during the Meiji Era, gets a two-part episode that explores her life during that time period. These episodes really give us a deeper understanding of the characters and their pasts, which is so cool.

But it's not just about individual characters - one of the things that I really appreciate about Zombie Land Saga Revenge is how it focuses on the group as a whole. Because we already had the first season to introduce the idea of zombie idols and the relationships between the members of Franchouchou, this season is able to really dive into the stories of the group working together and looking out for each other. It's so heartwarming and charming, and it really shows how much they've grown as performers and as a family.

And if that wasn't enough to convince you to check out the show, there are also some really fun bonuses included in this release! For one thing, there are some absolutely unhinged announcements with the voice actor of Kotaro - they're so quirky and odd, and they really fit with the overall vibe of the series. Plus, there's a really disconcerting interview with the voice cast that's just...well, you have to see it for yourself. And to top it all off, there are three gorgeous art cards of the group included, with eye-catching and colourful compositions and holographic borders. All in all, I would definitely recommend checking out Zombie Land Saga Revenge - it's a blast!

Zombie Land Saga Revenge is a delightful anime that combines the best of both worlds: lively idol performances and a crazy concept of zombie singers. The second season is just as entertaining as the first, with the members of Franchochou bringing their unique charm to the screen once again. I highly recommend this quirky series for anyone looking for a blend of humor and heart.