Since ancient times, the Sun has been recognized as a vital source of light, heat, and life. Its rays coax plants from the soil, marking the arrival of spring and ensuring a bountiful harvest.

The Earth's mystical properties were discovered when Chinese lore introduced the use of magnetic compasses to locate the north direction. In 1600, William Gilbert, Queen Elizabeth I's personal physician, published a groundbreaking book about magnets, suggesting that the entire Earth functioned as a giant magnet.

In the mid-20th century, American astrophysicist George Ellery Hale became renowned for building the world's largest telescope. Hale, initially focused on the Sun, used polarized light to reveal that certain regions of the Sun were highly magnetic, with fields thousands of times stronger than Earth's. These areas, known as sunspots, would become key to understanding solar activity.

In the 17th century, Galileo had already used the new telescope to observe blemishes on the Sun's surface, noting their rotation and size changes. While Galileo experimented with magnets, he didn't connect these sunspots to magnetic phenomena.

The Sunspot Mystery

Sunspots have captivated astronomers for centuries. As telescopes improved, sunspots were studied closely until 1645, during which time none were observed for about 70 years, an event now called the Maunder Minimum. But in 1715, they reappeared. Over time, sunspots have followed an approximately 11-year cycle, with their numbers fluctuating from zero to hundreds.

Before 1859, attempts to explain solar cycles by linking them with other cyclical phenomena were dismissed as astrological. That changed with Richard Carrington's observation in 1859. While sketching sunspots, Carrington witnessed one sunspot suddenly flare into light. This solar flare lasted only minutes but was followed by the Carrington Event, a massive auroral and magnetic storm. Auroras, usually seen in polar regions, were visible worldwide, and telegraph systems malfunctioned, some even catching fire.

At the time, it wasn't clear whether the flare and storm were directly related to the Sun-Earth connection. However, the event prompted further investigation into the Sun’s influence on Earth.

Solar Magnetism and Its Effects

About 50 years after the Carrington Event, Hale's discovery of solar magnetism laid the foundation for understanding the solar-terrestrial relationship. This relationship is rooted in magnetism. Sunspots themselves are regions of intense magnetic energy. The pressure of this energy causes sunspots to be cooler and darker than the surrounding areas of the Sun's surface, or photosphere.

When the magnetic energy is released, it can manifest in various forms. White light flares, like the one observed by Carrington, are rare. More often, the energy is released as X-rays. Additionally, the Sun’s powerful gravity prevents much of this energy from escaping its surface. However, under the right conditions, the magnetic energy can propel massive clouds of gas into space, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). If one of these clouds is directed toward Earth, it can cause auroras.

The Sun’s Impact on Earth

If the magnetic field of a CME is opposite to Earth's magnetic field, it can direct energy toward our planet. This energy is stored on Earth's night side, causing auroras. However, if the magnetic alignment does not match, the interaction is less dramatic, resulting in compression of the gas cloud but minimal effects on Earth.

Currently, we are in a period of heightened sunspot activity, with the number of sunspots reaching levels higher than anticipated. This could lead to more intense solar storms in the coming years, including large magnetic storms like the one in May 2024.

While these solar events can be both beautiful and dangerous, they continue to captivate scientists and the public alike, offering further insight into the intricate connection between the Sun and Earth.